13:39. Removal and installation of the dashboard
Dashboard components (without safety cushion of the forward passenger)
Procedures of removal of the dashboard of cars without safety cushion of the forward passenger are given below. |
- Remove the screen wiper drive.
- Remove understeering switches with holders (see the Head Onboard electric equipment).
- Remove a dashboard insert.
- Remove the radio receiver (see the Head Onboard electric equipment).
- Remove a ware box (see the Section Removal and installation of a ware box).
- Remove the central console (see the Section Removal and installation of the central console).
- Open an ashtray and take out the lighter. Turn out screws (shooters) and remove an ashtray From a reverse side separate the socket of an electrical wiring of illumination and the lighter.
Removal of an ashtray
- Uncover the block of safety locks, turn out screws of fastening of the block of safety locks and take out it from the dashboard down.
Removal of the block of safety locks
- Turn out screws of fastening and remove the control unit of the anticreeping alarm system (at the corresponding complete set) and the holder of the K/V relay from a cut of a ware box.
- Remove the central deflectors, and also elements of management of a heater (see the Head of the Cooling system of the engine, heating of salon and air conditioning).
- Turn out screws of fastening of side deflectors and remove them.
- Separate the socket of an electrical wiring of the anticreeping alarm system and remove the display.
- Remove D/V of stoplights.
- Turn out screws of fastening and remove the central holder.
Removal of the central holder
- Separate the socket of the antenna and the radio receiver on the holder of the radio receiver. Take out all electrical wiring from a guide on the dashboard.
- Turn out screws of fastening of the dashboard at the left and on the right.
Screws of fastening of the dashboard
- Give nuts of fastening of the dashboard in a drainage trench from a motive compartment.
Nuts of fastening of the dashboard
- Installation is carried out in the sequence, the return to removal.