12. Suspension bracket and steering


General parameters

Suspension bracket type

Forward suspension bracket
Independent, with McPherson's racks, gas-filled shock-absorbers and the stabilizer of cross stability
Back suspension bracket
Semi-independent, with the torsion beam, longitudinal levers, screw springs and telescopic shock-absorbers. On the Combo models laminated springs are installed

Steering type

Rack, hydrostrengthened (at the corresponding complete set)

Type and volume of the GUR hydraulic liquid

Steering mechanism

Length of a tip of steering draft, mm

Models with GUR
174 ± 6
Models without GUR
163 ± 6
GUR liquid
ATF Dexron or OPEL No. 90 350 341 (19 40 691)
GUR liquid volume
1.0 l.

Length (1) of a tip of steering draft

Wheels and tires

See Specifications to the Head Governing bodies and methods of operation.

Angles of installation of wheels

Disorder of forward wheels

The Corsa B models, except GSi
- 0 °25' ± 45'
Corsa B GSi model
- 0 °35' ± 45'
Corsa B model (special execution)
- 0 °15' ± 45'
Tigra model
- 0 °50' ± 45'
The Combo model (for transportation of small freights)
- 0 °40' ± 45'
Combo model, X17D engine
0 °05' ± 45'

The maximum admissible difference between wheels
All models
1 °

Выбег forward wheels

The Corsa B models, except GSi
1 °50' ± 1 °
Corsa B GSi and Tigra models
1 °55' ± 1 °
Corsa B model (special execution)
2 °10' ± 1 °
The Combo model (for transportation of small freights)
0 °10' ± 1 °
Combo model X17D engine
0 °35' ± 1 °
The maximum admissible difference between wheels, all models
1 °
Convergence of forward wheels, all models
- 0 °10' ± 10'

Convergence difference at turn on a corner the 20th hail. (internal to turn of a wheel)

The mechanical drive of steering (EPS) of the Corsa B, Corsa B GSi, Tigra and Combo Model (for transportation of small freights)
1 °25' ± 45'
Corsa B model (special execution)
1 °35' ± 45'
Combo model, X17D engine
1 °30' ± 45'


The Corsa B, Corsa B GSi, Tigra and Combo models (for transportation of small freights)
1 °30' ± 45'
Corsa B model (special execution)
1 °45' ± 45'
Combo model, X17D engine
1 °40' ± 45'

Disorder of back wheels

All models, except Combo
- 1 °30' ± 30'
Combo models
- 0 °25' ± 25'
The maximum admissible difference between wheels, all models

Convergence of back wheels

All models, except Combo
0 °10'
- 15‘
Combo models
0 °15' ± 10'
The maximum admissible difference between wheels, all models

Efforts of tightening of threaded connections, Nanometer

Forward suspension bracket
Coupling nuts of collars of fastening of the stabilizer
Nuts of fastening of the cross lever to a body

Nuts of fastening of the cross lever to a spherical support *

Stage 1
Stage 2
To hold on 30 ÷ 45th hail on a corner.
Plate nut of the top support of the shock-absorber

Bolts of fastening of the holder of draft *

Stage 1
Stage 2
To hold on 90 ÷ 105 hail on a corner.
Fastening of the lower spherical support to the lever

Fastening of assembly of a rotary fist to a rack

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
To hold on the 45th hail on a corner.
Stage 4
To hold on the 15th hail on a corner.

Stupichny nut *

Stage 1
Stage 2
To completely release a nut (to a possibility of rotation manually)
Stage 3
Stage 4
To hold on the 90th hail on a corner., plus (as necessary) before the first combination of shplintovy openings
Nuts of the top support of a rack

* Use new fixture.

Back suspension bracket
Lower bolt of fastening of the shock-absorber
Top nut of fastening of the shock-absorber
Bolts of fastening of the shock-absorber of the Combo model

Bolts of fastening of the stabilizer of cross stability

Stage 1
Stage 2
To hold on the 15th hail on a corner
Stupichny nut

Fixture of the holder of the pump GUR to a head of cylinders (the diesel engine of 1.5 l)
Pump GUR fixture
Pressure head hose to the pump GUR
Lock nut of a tip of steering draft
Fastening of a spherical finger of a tip of steering thirst for a rotary fist
Fastening of steering thirst for a lath

All models