4.7.7. Assembly of a head of cylinders


  1. Regardless of that, the head went to a workshop for carrying out service of valves, or not before starting its assembly, carefully double-check purity of all components.
  2. After return of a head from a workshop in it valves with the accompanying elements will be already installed.
  3. On diesel engines oil cores of valves liquid and fill them in the guides of the plug. Establish saddles of valvate springs.
  4. On petrol engines establish saddles of springs. Grease an internal part of a new maslootrazhatelny cap (3) with motive oil and put on by means of a mandrel (1) a valve core.

At the same time do not damage working edges of a cap. Put on a cap easy pressing a guide (4) so that camber of a cap was included into a guide groove.

The cap cannot be pulled through a groove since in this case the effect of consolidation will be lost.

  1. On DOHC 1.4 and 1.6 engines of l oil an internal part of a cap motive and by means of a mandrel easy blows of the hammer pull against the stop.

Landing of a maslootrazhatelny cap is made by means of a suitable cylindrical mandrel

  1. On diesel engines repeat procedures (the maslootrazhatelny cap is put at first on a valve core, then on the directing plug).
  2. The special tool squeeze a spring, having lowered a plate, then establish in the opened top flute on a valve core crackers of the cutting lock. For the purpose of temporary fixing of crackers to an otpuskaniye of the tool grease them from the inside with jellied lubricant. Slowly release a spring and make sure of reliability of landing of crackers.

Usually springs are established by rounds with the reduced step to a head.

  1. On DOHC engines establish into place pushers of valves and camshafts.
  2. On SOHC engines install the camshaft, assemblies of hydropushers and levers of the drive of valves.
  3. Track that removed from a head the old components which are subject to further use were installed strictly on the former places.