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10.2. Coupling

On all models equipped with RKPP one-disk coupling of dry type with a diaphragm spring is used. The nave of the frictional (conducted) disk is equipped with the longitudinal vents entering gearing with vents of a pin of a main shaft of transmission. Frictional and press clutch plates keep in contact with each other due to the effort developed by a diaphragm spring of a press disk. The design of coupling and its drive is presented on an accompanying illustration.

Design of coupling and components of its drive

1 — the Conducted (frictional) clutch plate
2 — Assembly of a basket of coupling with a press disk
3 — a coupling switching off Fork
4 — the coupling switching off Bearing

5 — the coupling switching off Lever
6 — the coupling Drive
7 — RKPP
8 — a coupling basket Cover
9 — a coupling Pedal

By pressing a coupling pedal the bearing of switching off of coupling nestles on a diaphragm spring of a press disk, being under pressure through a cable of the drive of coupling and the lever. Thus press the clutch plate unloads and the conducted disk does not nestle on a flywheel any more. The contact of the engine with RKPP stops.

If the pedal of coupling is released, press the disk presses the conducted disk to a flywheel and torque transmission is again restored since the pressed disk through shlitsevy connection contacts main shaft RKPP.

At each inclusion and switching off of coupling owing to easy sliding there is a wear of frictional overlays of the conducted disk. Service life of the conducted disk, nevertheless, makes at least 100 000 km of a run of the car. Wear generally depends on load of the power unit (for example, towage of the trailer) and style of driving. Within carrying out maintenance only adjustment of a pedal of coupling is required. In the course of wear of frictional slips the pedal of coupling is displaced up.


At coupling service, besides replacement of the components having obvious damages it is necessary to make some primary checks (it is supposed that the transmission is in good repair):
  1. For assessment of time of switching of coupling start the engine on normal turns of idling. Make sure that neutral transfer is included and release a coupling pedal. Now squeeze out a pedal of coupling and, having waited for several seconds, turn on the reverse gear. Switching should not lead to emergence of a gnash and other extraneous noises, with high degree of probability indicating malfunction of the conducted disk or assembly of a basket of coupling;
  2. For check of completeness of switching off of coupling cock the parking brake and start the engine. Holding a coupling pedal at the height about 13 mm over a floor, a popereklyuchayta the transmission between the first and back transfers. Existence of hindrances when switching the lever speaks about malfunction of components of the mechanism of switching off;
  3. Make visual check of a condition of axial plugs in the top part of a pedal of coupling. Make sure of lack of signs of jamming and an excessive side play of an axis.